Follow the Money

Stephanie Hunt

The recent trailers and teasers promoting Southern Charm elicit a collective gag for a multitude of reasons (godawful lipstick colors being the least of them -- don't they have professional makeup artists at Bravo?). But what I find even more repulsive than sluttiness and immaturity parading as Charleston aristocratic sludge is the obvious waste of resources. And I'm not talking about Thomas and crews' down-the-tubes sex appeal. I'm talking cash. Cold, hard bucks. 

As someone who has worked to raise funds for any number of good, honorable, worthy local causes, including my current passion, Charleston Moves, I know how hard it is for local nonprofits to stay afloat. We're all swimming in the same relatively small pool of donors and community capital -- the same pools the Southern Charmless recklessly party beside. If only our former state treasurer could find a sober moment to consider ways to put money toward something of community value, or any sort of value. 

Fortunately, nonprofit leaders, volunteers, and those who work for the broader community good have an opportunity NEXT WEEK to polish up on fundraising techniques and trends, and perhaps even figure out how to unload some cash from the trashy, rich ne'er-do-wells Charleston is supposedly populated with. The South Carolina Association of Nonprofit Organizations, or SCANPO, is bringing thought-leaders like Gail Perry, author of Fired-Up Fundraising, and dynamos from the Association of Fundraising Professionals and from successful charitable organizations across the state to offer insight, inspiration, and practical tips for nonprofit management and resource development. 

The 2014 Nonprofit Summit begins Monday at the Francis Marion Hotel, and continues through Wednesday, with keynote sessions, round-table discussions, peer learning opportunities, a vendor fair and a Tuesday evening reception at the Halsey Gallery, sponsored by Google. Walk-in registration is available, and you can drop in for the day or invest in all three days. More than 500 nonprofit leaders will be there -- and maybe even T-Rav will be lurking in the Francis Marion hallways, looking to score a big-hearted chick. Who knows?

(Images via, facebook)