
There's a new anti-croakies, skip-the-cargo-shorts, no-more-visors menswear movement happening in Charleston. Enter fitted blazers and slim-fit trousers and dressing like you mean it...

This week, after the confetti had settled from our big, bad, best-in-the-world Conde Nast nod, she had wise words for us all about what makes our old Southern city a choice place to live

To our tourism cheerleaders at Conde Nast and readers the world over: thanks for the nod. Here's a resident's-perspective rundown of what makes our little big town tops

In addition to starting those French Quarter Art Walks we all love to roam, the matriarch of the local gallery scene—Nina Liu—has helped turn Charleston into a forefront art Mecca of our region

Looking for a little mid-week workday inspiration? Read a former Fortune 100 VP's stirring speech from the recent Charleston Regional Business Journal 
Influential Women in Business Luncheon

Sometimes all you need to feel better is some favorite-restaurant TLC. Yesterday, I ran through my round-up of sure-things (including Monza, Rue, and Glass Onion) to find just what the doctor ordered

Ate lots of paint chips as a kid? This is the blog post for you.

Following a chat at CFW a few months back, the young fashion phenom shares her beauty must-haves and fast fixes with me....

That's what Coastal Living magazine claims, but if you ask me, something's a little fishy. Kiawah's a lot of things, but Barefoot, Slap-Happy SeasideTown USA?

Southern girl-turned-Manhattan socialite Tinsley Mortimer came to town yesterday, bringing with her some fiction, style, and Southern Charm

Frank McMahon's "Cool Inside: Hank's Seafood Restaurant" is a cook's cookbook through and through, a soulful ode to Charleston and the gems of the sea, creeks, and rivers that surround her

The hazards of idolatry become apparent when a writer fumbles for words when interviewing one of her favorite writers

I'd love to see today's lace runway trends paired with strong, masculine elements for an edgy, updated interior
